When my soul feels empty and hunger sets in Treading paths that are marked by sin The storm clouds gather and the skies grow dark With the weight of doubt and the frailty of life But in the midst of pain and grief A shepherd brings my soul relief His hands provide guidance and my […]
Long before galaxies burst from atramentous void Worlds springing from an abyss of cosmic nothingness Before stars blazed in delicate fury And waves soaked the dusty firmament Before animals danced in praise to silent symphonies Before trees swayed to natures chartless harmonies Before order arranged, before fruit had a taste Before all that we know […]
Fierce or Subtle
“God only knows” the self-righteous say Pretentiously holy, laws living break Darkness swirls downward, laughteressly mocking, Hypocrites judging while souls left to rotting What can be known? The God of the stars His image by derelicts often is marred Spinning, concocting, a bastardized ruse Pressing the saints rightful good to refuse Confused and unknowing, lie […]
Hope Breaks through the Storm
The tide continues to churn. The waves pound in relentless fury. The clouds billow across the darkened sky as rain descends in windswept turbulence. The undercurrent pulls ever outward, ever downward. The feet scuffle to find earth beneath the sea. Legs quiver with fire as the struggle to tread water intensifies with each passing moment. […]
The Waltz
As I recline upon my bed, without sleep and bombarded with imagery, the scene takes shape in my mind… A grand ballroom swims into view. The chandeliers are lit. The guests are arranged. The symphony swells. A lovely lady, cloaked in elegance, steps out from a crowd. A gentlemen moves forward to offer his hand. […]
The Power of Narrative
I grew up entrenched in American evangelicalism. I was weaned on Biblical tales, bedecked as Moses or David at fall festivals, earned my Awana badges, and, by age 15, was preaching in fiery fundamental fashion. I claimed a depth of Scriptural knowledge, having memorized multiple chapters from the book and crafted an ability to talk […]