Across my beleaguered soul, like surf pounding on shore
Across my broken mind, ring indelibly those forlorn words “nevermore”
Like castles built high on the sand, wilted flowers in my little girl’s hand
The thief comes to laughingly mock, to demand
The darkness persists, ruthless in its suffocating fog
Relentless it descends, blotting hope, concealing the smile of God
Like backward tapestries, the pattern of beauty obscured by twisted cords,
I see the ill, so grace I abhor
How can this be? Men live, breath, dream, unsee
Where is hope? When all unravels, disintegrates, fails to be
Sin is a thief, death a monster of damnable rage, the tool of hate
We blame God on high, while good we forsake
All humanity, tyrants and saints, combine to fracture the right
To blight the canvas of beauty, to rob desperate eyes of light
The rightful King all trespass sees, all evil treason to his crown
No truth, no beauty to be found
Yet He the good, the eternal righteousness to which the world is held
The God blasphemed, despised demeaned, his glory by our trespass veiled
Decides in love, minds fail to see, by sovereign might to intervene
To rebuild the broken by holy decree
The Son of man, the King of glorious unrivaled dominion
Humbly invades this fallen creation, takes upon flesh, becomes earth’s civilian
Drinks down God’s wrath, tastes all horror death brings
Rose from its grip, rids death of its sting
Now the empty tomb, declares in truth to the enemies of life,
“This darkness will cease, this sorrow is brief, this monster of death has died.”